Lisa Parker is a sitting school board member who, although not up for election this fall, has been hitting the campaign trail for her favored candidates. She posted the above in response to a repost of this: -Emails Surface Concerning Patrick Lawton's Knowledge of His "Mistaken" Car Allowance from Shining a Light on Germantown.
As I write this, her comments are still available on a public Facebook page, and you may be able to access them at this link.
Clay Bailey of the Commercial Appeal covers this today in Invitation to Leave Germantown, if you don't like things.
So, let's get this straight. We question Patrick Lawton's "double dip" car allowance/use of city owned vehicle and we are told Bye-Bye? Appropriately, Mr. Bailey likens Ms. Parker's remarks to those of former Mayor Willie Herenton when his practices were questioned by the citizenry. However, he neglected to put the "Bye-Bye" at the end of her quote. As a remedy to that, I decided to use it in the title.
Here is how Ms. Parker explained her remarks to Mr. Bailey:
Parker said the post, which came while she watched the closing innings of the World Series, was more invitation for those critical of Germantown leadership than a directive to get the heck out of town. She emphasized she never told anyone to leave.
I am confused. What do the words "Bye-Bye" mean to Ms. Parker?

HERE'S AN IDEA. JUST LEAVE: Somewhere back in the past, former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton famously told those who didn’t like the way he was running the city that they could just leave.
Responses from officials, including Lisa Parker, are found on this separate blog post.
On November 9, a Commercial Appeal published ths editorial on the need for scrutiny in government, highlighting Lisa Parker's post.
Links to Past Shining a Light on Germantown Posts
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